If you have been thinking of getting an ebook reader, or if you have been thinking of picking up a tablet, you may have noticed a lot of buzz lately about the Kindle Fire (you will especially have noticed buzz on this device on Amazon itself, as they created the Kindle Fire, and as they have been pushing it vigorously) – and with all this buzz surrounding this device, you may have been wondering whether you shouldn’t scrap the Kindle from your shopping list and pick up a Kindle Fire instead; in order to answer this question, of course, the first thing you will need to understand is exactly what each device is used for.
The Amazon Kindle is mostly intended to be used for reading ebooks, as well as newspapers and magazines, and is truly an “ebook reader,” and while this device is certainly the leader in the field of available ebook readers, it is limited to doing exactly this – making it easy for you to read ebooks and other print material right there in your hand, on demand. On the other hand, the Kindle Fire is an ebook reader (just like the Kindle), but it is much more akin to devices such as the iPad than to other ebook readers; in addition to allowing you to read books, the Fire will enable you to play games, download apps, surf the Internet, and even watch movies – all in a stunning, full-color picture (and none of which you could do on a basic Kindle!). If you are trying to decide which of these two devices you should pick up for yourself, you should not ask which is better, but should instead ask which is better for you, as some people will get plenty of use out of the Kindle Fire, while others really need nothing more than exactly what the basic Kindle provides. No matter which option you end up choosing, you will have a great deal on a great product (the Kindle is only $80, and the Kindle Fire is only $200 – far less expensive than other tablets on the market!), and you will know that you have the quality that comes from purchasing a product from Amazon’s Kindle line!Tags: General
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